Courses and seminars

Courses and seminars

[ HPC2N courses | SeSE courses | NGSSC courses | Tutorials ]

HPC courses and seminars developed/hosted by HPC2N

HPC2N offers a range of user training including introductory courses with ready-to-run exercises and courses in basic HPC and parallel programming. Courses are presented at the HPC2N partners and at other places upon request.














  • Earlier Courses


Swedish e-Science Education (SeSE) courses

The goal of SeSE is to give courses in the field of e-Science for PhD-students within the Swedish academia. We provide basic training in fields where the use of e-Science is emerging and where education can have an immense impact on the research, but also advanced training for students in fields that are already computer-intensive. For more information about the Swedish e-Science Education, see SeSE.

HPC2N and the Department of Computing Science at Umeå University are together with other Swedish research institutions organizing the following courses:



National Graduate School in Scientific Computing (NGSSC) courses

The goal of NGSSC is to produce PhD's with skills in strategically important disciplines together with a broad knowledge of numerical and computational techniques. To achieve this, NGSSC provides funding for graduate students in strategic areas, and training for these students in mathematics and computations. NGSSC is funded by the Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF). For more information about the Swedish National Graduate School in Scientific Computing, see NGSSC.

HPC2N and the Department of Computing Science at Umeå University are together with UPPMAX and the Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, has been organizing the following courses in the National Graduate School in Scientific Computing (NGSSC) during the past few years:


Here we have collected a number of links to tutorials that can be of interest.


Updated: 2025-03-03, 15:05