
An introduction to shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP, 12 - 14 September 2023

An introduction to shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP, 12 - 14 September 2023

OpenMP provides an efficient method to write parallel programs in C, C++ and Fortran.  OpenMP programs are suitable for execution on shared memory architectures such as modern multi core systems or a single compute node of the HPC clusters deployed by LUNARC, HPC2N and within NAISS.

Intermediate Topics in MPI

Intermediate Topics in MPI

This workshop targets programmers in both academia and industry who already have experience with basic MPI and are ready to take the next step to more advanced usage. Topics which will be covered include communicators, groups, derived data types, one-sided communication, non-blocking collectives and hybrid MPI+threading approaches. Lectures will be interleaved with hands-on exercises. All exercises will be written in C, but the instructors will be able to answer questions about MPI in Fortran and Python.

Schrödinger workshop

Schrödinger Drug Discovery/Molecular Modelling Workshop


Schrödinger will be conducting the "Molecular Modelling with Schrödinger Software" workshop on Wednesday, March 29, 2017, at HPC2N, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden.

The workshop is free of charge, and you register on Schödinger's event page here.

Title: Molecular Modelling with Schrödinger Software

Course: Intel tools

Intel development / HPC tools

HPC2N and Intel would like to welcome you to a two day course, consisting of training in the following Intel tools: Composer XE, Advisor XE, and VTune Amplifier XE, as well as an overview of using OpenMP 4.

SeSE Course: HPC II 2014 - Assignment 2

Assignment 2

Remember to load the SLEPc module (which will include the PETSc module as well).

First Part - PETSc

In this exercise you will solve linear systems in parallel with PETSc. The program lab1.c solves the Poisson equation using the finite-difference method on a square regular grid with n+1 subdivisions on each side. Modify the program so that it computes the residual norm and prints it, together with the number of iterations performed by the solver.

High Performance Computing II, March 2014

High Performance Computing II (HPCII)

The course focuses on three themes:

  1. General HPC techniques
  2. Fundamental parallel algorithms
  3. HPC library software and tools

For more information see

One of the lecturers will be Jose Roman, Associate Professor (TU), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV).
He will lecture on PETSc and SLEPc followed by hands on exercises.

Updated: 2024-10-10, 12:39