High Performance Computing Center North
Learn how to run R, Python, Julia, and Matlab at Swedish HPC centres. We will show you how to find and load the needed modules, how to write a batch script, as well as how to install and use your own packages, and more.
The course will consist of lectures interspersed with hands-on sessions where you get to try out what you have just learned.
We will mainly use UPPMAX for the examples for the course, but there is little difference in how you use the various HPC centres in Sweden and you should have no problems applying the knowledge to the other systems.
This course will consist of four half-days (9:00-16:00), one for each language. It is a cooperation between HPC2N, LUNARC, and UPPMAX. NOTE the change! Each day until 16 instead of 15!
NOTE: the course will NOT cover the topic of improving your programming skills in R, Python, Julia, or Matlab. Likewise, we will not cover advanced techniques for code optimization.
Remote/online participation: The course will be completely online and we will use Zoom. More information about connecting and such will be sent to the participants close to the course.
Prerequisites: some familiarity with the LINUX command line (recordings from HPC2N's Linux intro here and UPPMAX Linux Intro here and also here), basic R, Python, Julia, or Matlab, depending on which language(s) you are interested in. See below for links to useful material if you need a refresher before the course.
Full schedule can be found on the rendered presentations for each course day: https://uppmax.github.io/R-python-julia-matlab-HPC/
Day 1, Tue. 22. October
Day 2, Wed. 23. October
Day 3, Thu. 24. October
Day 4, Fri. 25. October
Links to refresher material:
This is NOT in any way mandatory for participation or part of the course. It is a list of links to useful refresher material for those who would like to read up on Python/Julia/R/Matlab/Linux/etc. before the course.
Time and Dates: 22-25 October 2024, four days, one for each language. 9:00 - 16:00 each day. The last hour each day will be used for extra time for exercises.
Onboarding: Monday, 21. October (1 hour - time to be decided)
Location: ONLINE. Zoom link will be sent to participants a few days before the course.
Deadline for registration: 14. October 2024
Participation in the course is free.
Please make sure have an account at SUPR as well as at UPPMAX if you want to participate in the hands-on part of the training. There will be a course project on UPPMAX that can be used to run the examples in during the hands-on. If you are affiliated with IRF, LTU, UMU, MIUN, or SLU and have account/project at HPC2N you can use HPC2N's local cluster if you prefer. Also, if you have an account/project at LUNARC, you may use that instead if you want. If you do not have an account at SUPR and/or UPPMAX/HPC2N/LUNARC, you will be contacted with further instructions for how to create those. You are encouraged to sign up to SUPR as soon as possible after registering for the course.
NOTE: Kebnekaise has become a local resource. Please also read the page about "Kebnekaise will be retired as a national resource". HPC2N accounts are ONLY meant for people who are at Umeå university, one of HPC2N's partnersites (IRF, LTU, MIUN, SLU), or are in a research group with a PI at one of those. Cosmos (LUNARC) is also a local resource, for those at Lund University. Everyone else must have or get an account at UPPMAX for this course.
Course project: As part of the hands-on, you may be given temporary access to a course project, which will be used for running the hands-on examples. There are some policies regarding this, that we ask that you follow:
The course uses compute resources provided by the National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS) at UPPMAX partially funded by the Swedish Research Council through grant agreement no. 2022-06725.
Please register by filling in the below form. Fields marked with a * are mandatory. REGISTRATION CLOSED!