High Performance Computing Center North
We begin with a short introduction to the Linux operating system (OS) that is used on HPC2N's compute cluster, and is the most common OS in HPC clusters. This part is only meant for complete beginners to the Linux operating system, and can be omitted if you are proficient already. See the schedule.
Then, we continue with an introduction to HPC and HPC2N, before going on to a walk-through of the Kebnekaise system, including the GPUs. In the afternoon we go through the module system and take a look at how to submit jobs. During the hands-on you will get the opportunity to try loading modules, compile a program, and submit a job to the Kebnekaise cluster. We will look at how to use both the CPUs, and the different types of GPUs (V100s and A100s).
Eligibility: since Kebnekaise is no longer a NAISS cluster, this course in only available to local users. This is defined as users who are current or future members of projects with a PI affiliated with HPC2N's partner sites (UmU, SLU, LTU, MIUN, IRF). Participation is free.
Remote/online participation: The course will be completely online and we will use Zoom. More information about connecting and such will be sent to the participants shortly before the course.
Preliminary Schedule
09:00 Introduction to Linux for beginners (OPTIONAL)
10:00 Introduction to HPC2N, Kebnekaise and High Performance Computing
10:30 COFFEE BREAK (on your own)
10:45 Kebnekaise – How to use our systems
11:15 Hands-on: Logging in to Kebnekaise. Testing the module system. Compiling.
12:00 LUNCH (on your own)
13:00 Simple examples: Demo and hands-on exercises
13:45 Application examples
14:30 COFFEE BREAK (on your own)
14:45 More application examples
NOTE that the lectures (but not the exercises) will be recorded and uploaded to HPC2N's YouTube channel.
Recorded lectures: TBA
Please make sure you have an account at SUPR as well as at HPC2N if you want to participate in the hands-on part of the training. There will be a course project that can be used to run the examples in during the hands-on. If you don't have an account at SUPR and/or HPC2N, you will be contacted with further instructions for how to create those. You are strongly encouraged to sign up to SUPR as soon as possible after registering for the course, as the process can be somewhat slow (if you do not have SWAMID you need to sign their User Agreement on a paper form and send it with a copy of your passport to SUPR).
Course project: As part of the HPC2N hands-on, you will be given temporary access to a course project, which will be used for running the hands-on examples. There are some policies regarding this, that we ask that you follow:
The course uses computing resources provided by HPC2N/UmU university.
Prerequisites: nothing particular
Time and date: 18 January 2024, 09:00-17:00
Location: ONLINE. Zoom link will be sent to participants a few days before the course.
Deadline for registration: 11 January 2024. (23:59) REGISTRATION CLOSED! CONTACT bbrydsoe@hpc2n.umu.se TO HEAR IF YOU CAN PARTICIPATE.
Please register by filling in the below form. Fields marked with a * are mandatory.