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Introduction to OpenMP and MPI

Introduction to OpenMP and MPI

The purpose of this course is to give a short overview of the most important aspects of OpenMP, v. 2.5 and of MPI. The first half of the day will be focused on OpenMP and the second half of the day on MPI.

If you are only interested in either OpenMP or MPI, it is possible to just attend the relevant part of the course.

9:00 - 12:00: OpenMP

Topics that will be covered:

  • Parallel for loops
  • Reduction
  • Mutual exclusion (locks, barriers)
  • Variables (private, shared, firstprivate)
  • Sections
  • Run-time library
  • Scheduling (static, ...)

13:00 - 16:30: MPI

Topics that will be covered:

  • Parallel programming - distributed memory
  • Getting started with MPI / Parallelizing thrugh Message Passing
  • Basic MPI routines
  • MPI examples
  • Compiling and running MPI programs

There will be a short hands-on after each part of the course, where the participants get to compile and run a small OpenMP or MPI program. Please bring your own laptop if you wish to do the hands-on. Also, make sure you have an account at HPC2N before the course!

Lunch and coffee will be provided.

Prerequisites: The participants are expected to have a basic knowledge of programming in C or Fortran.

Instructors: Pedro Ojeda-May, Birgitte Brydsö

Time and date: 12. December 2016, 9:00 - 16:30

Location: MIT-Huset, room MC323SEM (Local directions)

Deadline for registration: 5. December 2016. For later registration, contact Pedro (pedro.ojeda-may@umu.se).

Please register using this form. The first three fields are mandatory, but the two last questions are optional.

Updated: 2024-06-25, 16:43