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Course: Python for Scientific Computing

Python for Scientific Computing



This one-day course will give a brief, but comprehensive introduction to Python for Scientific Computing. It will have lectures interspersed with hands-on sessions where you get to try out what you have just learned.

The focus will lie on using Python to work with data. We will cover using NumPy and Scipy for data manipulation and Matplotlib for visualisation. The intention is that after the course you will have the skills needed to use Python to analyse your data.

The goal for the course is that after the hands-on you have created and run a smallest working example using SciPy.

The course is meant both for those who wish to learn more about using Python for their data analysis, as well as a precursor for an introductory course in Deep Learning which we will give later this spring.

Preliminary Schedule

  • 09:00
    • Brief introduction to Python and setup
  • 09:30
    • Processing Tabular Data Files in Python
    • Repeating Actions with Loops
    • Hands-on
  • 10:45 COFFEE BREAK
  • 11:00
    • Storing Multiple Values in Lists
  • 12:00 LUNCH
  • 13:00
    • Analysing Data from Multiple Files
    • Functions
    • Hands-on
  • 14:30 COFFEE BREAK
  • 14:45
    • Hands-on
  • 15:00
    • Scientific Python
    • Hands-on
  • 16:30 End of course

Participation is free. Lunch and coffee/tea will be provided.

Please bring a laptop.

It will be helpful if you have installed Python 3.6.x or newer on your laptop before arriving. For your own laptop, Anaconda works well and it is easy to install NumPy and SciPy. If you have an account at HPC2N, it is also possible to run Python on the clusters. However, there we recommend using the site installed Python modules and Virtualenv instead.

If you want to look at the material used in the course and go through it yourself, then the material can be found here.

Note: Participants are kindly asked to limit the use of fragrances due to perfume intolerance issues.  Thank you.

Prerequisites: Previous experience with a scripting language or basic programming in any language.

Instructors: Pedher Johansson (Jerry Eriksson, Birgitte Brydsö, Pedro Ojeda May)

Time and date: 8 April 2019, 09:00-16:30.

Location: UB333, Samhällsvetarhuset, Umeå University. Getting to Umeå University/HPC2N: info here.

Deadline for registration: 1 April 2019. REGISTRATION CLOSED SINCE ALL SEATS ARE FILLED!

Send me an email at bbrydsoe@hpc2n.umu.se if you want to be added to a waiting list. In case seats open up, we will contact from the top of the list.

Please register by filling in the below form. Fields marked with a * are mandatory.

Updated: 2024-10-10, 12:39