Slides from the presentations

Slides from the presentations

Tuesday, 23/4/2013


  • Introduction to Xeon Phi Coprocessors [pdf] [pdf]
  • Programming the Xeon Phi Coprocessor (native, offload) [pdf]
  • CSC Cluster Introduction [pdf]
  • Debugging on Xeon Phi Coprocessors [pdf]

Wednesday, 24/4/2013



  • Programming the Xeon Phi Coprocessor (MPI, native) [pdf]
  • Performance Analysis Methodologies [pdf]
  • Optimization Strategies [pdf]
  • Debugging (Rogue Wave) [pdf]
  • Outlook on OpenMP 4 [pdf]
  • Case Study [pdf]

Thursday, 25/4/2013



  • OpenAcc: Lecture 1 [pdf]
  • OpenAcc: Lecture 2 [pdf]
  • OpenAcc: Example [pdf]
  • OpenAcc: Lecture 3 [pdf]

Friday, 26/4/2013


  • Presentation: ARM-based systems at BSC [pdf]
  • Tutorial: ARM HPC system software stack [pdf]
  • Hands-on [pdf]
Updated: 2024-06-25, 16:43