Running ThinLinc

Running the ThinLinc client

ThinLinc is a cross-platform remote desktop server developed by Cendio AB. You can access Kebnekaise through ThinLinc.

ThinLinc is especially useful when you need to use software with a graphical interface, like INTEL VTune or MATLAB. Look at our MATLAB page for information about running MATLAB.

ThinLinc can be used as a standalone application and also through the Web Access desktop. 

NOTE: remember that the accounts at HPC2N and SUPR are separate. In the welcome mail you got when your HPC2N account was created was a link to create a first, temporary password. When you have logged in using that, please change the password.

Web Access desktop

On your local web browser search for, this will display the login box:


Here, you can type the username and password for HPC2N. This web browser version can be handy to get started with ThinLinc or if you do not want to install another software in your machine. Also, if you are working mainly with a tablet. 

Some things you need to keep in mind with this version is that  features like multiple sessions are not fully supported. Also, direct copy and paste does not work. One can use the clipboard bottom (enclosed in a red square) of the Toolbar that appear on a side of the browser session: 


In addition to this, some key bindings are not supported workarounds for this and more information on the ThinLinc Web Access can be found in the ThinLinc documentation


Standalone application

The full capabilities of ThinLinc can be obtained with the standalone version. Here, you need to follow the next steps for installing ThinLinc.

Download and Install instructions

Download the ThinLinc client from to your own workstation/laptop and install it.

Login to cluster login node

  1. Start the ThinLinc client ( ThinLinc client,  tlclient depending on your platform)
  2. Enter the name of the server: and then enter your own username at HPC2N under "Username":
  3. If you don't see the Options button, click on Advanced
  4. Go to "Options" -> "Security" and check that authentication method is set to password.
  5. Go to "Options" -> "Display" and mark Windowed
  6. Go to "Options" -> "Local Devices" and uncheck Sound, Serial ports, Drives, Printer, Smart card readers
  7. Enter your HPC2N password. 
  8. Click "Connect"
  9. Click "Continue" when you are being told that the server's host key is not in the registry.
  10. After a short time, the thinlinc desktop opens, running Mate. It is fairly similar to the Gnome desktop.
  11. All your files on HPC2N should now be available.


General ThinLinc usage (both versions)

How to open a linux terminal in the ThinLinc desktop

To start a terminal window, go to the menu at the top. Click “Applications” → “System Tools” → “MATE Terminal”.

Disconnect or logout from the ThinLinc desktop

When you want to shutdown the ThinLinc connection, this can be done in two ways, either Disconnect or Logout.

  • Disconnect
    Keeps your thinlinc session running on the login node making it possible for you to return to the same spot when you reconnect.
    Only use this when you are actively working in Matlab over a few days, otherwise use Logout, doing this keeps the login node quick and fast for active users.
    Note! Always save your work before leaving since the login nodes will reboot now and then due to OS and security updates.

    The following two ways are equivalent, both uses the top menu bar, use one of them

    • "Applications” → “HPC2N” → “Disconnect ThinLinc Session”
    • "The blueish HPC2N icon to the right" → “Disconnect ThinLinc Session”
    • In the Web Access version, there is a bottom in the Toolbar to disconnect the session
  • Logout
    Will terminate your ThinLinc session on the login node.
    Note! This doesn't affect any jobs in the batch queue or jobs running on the cluster and any finished jobs will be available when you login again.

    The following two ways are equivalent, both uses the top menu bar, use one of them

    • "Applications” → “HPC2N” → “Logout ThinLinc Session”
    • "The blueish HPC2N icon to the right" → “Logout ThinLinc Session”

Reconnecting to an older ThinLinc session

If you have a running ThinLinc session (that you disconnected from) and there is a problem with the ThinLinc session when you connect again. The best way to solve this is to:

  1. Logout from the current ThinLinc session
  2. Open the client or the Web Access desktop again but this time specify "End existing session" in the dialog or through the command options.
  3. Do the final step and login
Updated: 2025-02-12, 16:22