
Hamrinsberget - GPGPU testing

This machine has 2 AMD six-core Opteron 8431, 2.4 GHz, 32 GB shared memory, 250 GB disk. It has a nVidia GeForce GTX 285, and an ATI Radeon HD 5800 card. You can test Nvidia with CUDA or OpenCL, and ATI Stream GPU with OpenCL.


Loading cuda toolkit:

hamrinsberget [~]$ module load cudatoolkit 

You load this, if you want to run CUDA on the Nvidia card.

For more information please consult:

module help cudatoolkit

Nvidia OpenCL

Loading Nvidia OpenCL:

hamrinsberget [~]$ module load nvidia-opencl

If you load this, you will use the Nvidia card. It can be loaded together with ati-stream-sdk. You will then run on both the ATI and Nvidia card.

For more information please read:

module help nvidia-opencl

ATI Stream

Loading ATI Stream:

hamrinsberget [~]$ module load ati-stream-sdk 

You will be running on the ATI card.

ATI Stream can be loaded together with nvidia-opencl/current - you will then run on both the ATI and Nvidia cards.

For more information please read:

module help ati-stream-sdk
Updated: 2024-06-25, 16:43