PARA98 History


Since 1994, a series of conferences on Applied Parallel Computing, named PARA94, PARA95 and PARA96, have successfully been organized by the Danish Computing Centre for Research and Education (UNI-C) and the Department of Mathematical Modelling (IMM) in Lyngby, Denmark. The main themes of these conferences are summarized below:

  • PARA94 Theme: Parallel Scientific Computing.
  • PARA95 Theme: Physics, Chemistry and Engineering Science.
  • PARA96 Theme: Industrial Problems and Optimization.

The number of participants of each of these meetings has been around 100, representing 15-20 different countries. The proceedings are published by Springer Verlag in the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (see volumes 879, 1041 and 1184).

As an opening to the regular part of the workshops, the following tutorials were held:

  • 1994 PVM
  • 1995 ScaLAPACK and the Parallel NAG Library
  • 1996 Wavelets/Signal and Image Processing
  • 1996 Programming Parallel Computers

A Nordic Steering Committee with the responsibility to plan future PARA meetings has been established. From 1998, the PARA meetings will be arranged every second year and the privilege of hosting the future PARA meetings will "rotate" through the Nordic countries. The next conference,

PARA98, will be hosted by High Performance Computing Center North (HPC2N) in June 14-17, 1998 at Umeå University, Sweden. The main theme of PARA98 is

Large Scale Scientific and Industrial Problems.

Updated: 2025-02-12, 11:21