Maintenance on Kebnekaise 2023-10-12 - 2023-10-13

  • Posted on: 4 October 2023
  • By: ake

We will have a maintenance window on Kebnekaise 2023-10-12 - 2023-10-13 to upgrade the batch system. It is due to an important security update of SLURM (the workload manager/batch scheduler).

From 2023-10-12 08:00 no jobs will be allowed to run, this means that jobs will not be allowed to start if their requested time limit reaches into this service window.

The maintenance window is from 2023-10-12 08:00 to 2023-10-13 17:00, but we hope to be finished before that.

Updated: 2025-01-10, 16:23