NLAFET: Postdoc & PhD positions in Parallel Computing for Extreme-Scale Systems

  • Posted on: 29 April 2016
  • By: admin

NLAFET: Postdoc & PhD positions in Parallel Computing for Extreme-Scale Systems

Department of Computing Science at Umea University, Sweden invites excellent candidates to apply for postdoctoral and PhD positions. The successful candidate(s) will join NLAFET, which is one of the high-profile extreme-scale computing projects funded by the European Commission within the recent FET-HPC call under Horizon 2020. NLAFET is coordinated by Umea University with international partners from INRIA (France), University of Manchester and STFC-RAL (UK).

The acronym NLAFET stands for "Parallel Numerical Linear Algebra for Future Extreme-Scale Systems" (

Future extreme-scale supercomputers will be heterogeneous and lead to new and challenging demands for efficient numerical algorithms and parallel software libraries. The aim of NLAFET is to tackle these challenges and ultimately deliver new scalable numerical libraries for fundamental problems in numerical linear algebra, including the solution of dense and sparse systems of equations and eigenvalue problems. Achieving this requires a co-design effort including developing novel algorithms, exploration of advanced scheduling strategies and runtime systems, offline and online autotuning, as well as avoiding communication and synchronization bottlenecks.

The positions will focus on design, implementation, and evaluation of parallel algorithms for matrix kernels and eigenvalue problems with regards to the extreme-scale challenges. The research will be done in close collaboration with recognized researchers and PhD students in the research group as well as with other partners in NLAFET.

Dead-line for applications is April 4, 2016

For complete information of the positions see:

Postdoc (English):

PhD (English):

Welcome to apply!

Tue, 2016-02-24 00:00 | Birgitte Brydsö

Updated: 2024-06-25, 16:43