SeSE graduate course: HPC II, Umeå, March 17-21

  • Posted on: 29 April 2016
  • By: admin

SeSE graduate course: High Performance Computing II, Umeå March 17-21

For preparatory work and readings see /events/courses/hpcii/readings-prep

For schedule and more information see /events/courses/hpcii/

Time to register for the course "High Performance Computing II" with lectures here in Umeå, March 17-21!! (see below)

There are also some travel grants available for the course.

Please, forward this announcement to people you think may be interested in participating.

Most Welcome!
Bo Kågström, Lars Karlsson, and Mikael Rännar

As you might already know, the Swedish e-Science Education (SeSE)
are providing several graduate courses this Spring. (see

Three of them are organized by HPC2N together with lecturers
mainly from Dept. of Computing Science and UMIT Research Lab.

The course focuses on three themes:
  1. General HPC techniques
  2. Fundamental parallel algorithms
  3. HPC library software and tools

(For more information see

A course web-link to more details about lecturs etc will be available soon.

We are happy to announce that one of the lecturers will be Jose Roman,
Associate Professor (TU), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV).
He will lecture on PETSc and SLEPc followed by hands on exercises.

PETSc: Portable, Extensible, Toolkit for Scientific Computing (
SLEPc: Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Computations (



Send an e-mail to Mikael Rännar:, with
the following information:

  • SeSE, High Performance Computing II
  • Name
  • e-mail (You must use your university email address, not gmail, yahoo, hotmail etc.)
  • Affiliation
  • Supervisor
  • Subject of PhD-project.

Indicate also if you apply for a travel grant.

Deadline for registration:  17 February 2014  (EXTENDED! one week)

Tue, 2014-02-18 15:18 | admin

Updated: 2024-06-25, 16:43