HPC2N online coffee-chat, 2024-05-23, 13:00-14:00

  • Posted on: 14 May 2024
  • By: bbrydsoe

HPC2N "fika"

Welcome to the second online coffee-chat with HPC2N!

These informal coffee-chats, "HPC2N fika", are meant for HPC2N’s current and potential users.

It is a chance for you to discuss any HPC-related problems associated with your research and to get advice from HPC2N’s application experts and other staff.

This "HPC2N fika” will be on Thursday, 23 May at 13:00 – 14:00.

We will start with a few updates about HPC2N and our new hardware. After that the floor is open.

Suggestions for topics to bring up

  * What can HPC2N do for me?
  * Are you wondering if Kebnekaise is the right place for your new project?
  * Do you have problems with your jobscript?
  * Do you want help with your workflow?
  * Would you like to optimize your jobscript or workflow?
  * Share your user-experiences and hardware needs with us!

Any and all questions related to your work at HPC2N are welcome!

You are welcome to contact us ahead of time with questions, topics to cover or suggestions for things to discuss.

For more detailed help, bring your code or jobscript!

Feel free to join us over Zoom! Contact us on info@hpc2n.umu.se to get the link. 

Note! You do not need to be there from the beginning. We will be there the entire hour and you can drop in any time that works for you!

Do not miss this opportunity to meet our team!

Bring your colleagues and a cup of coffee/tea! 

Updated: 2025-01-23, 15:17