eSSENCE Academy 2014 in Umeå, October 15-16

Welcome the eSSENCE Academy 2014, October 15-16 in Umeå

The eSSENCE Management has the pleasure of inviting all of the eSSENCE community to the 3rd eSSENCE Academy Workshop. The strategic research programme is in its fifth year of developing state-of-the-art e-Science for the benefit of society in a collaborative effort between our three universities. Now we will have the opportunity to meet and acquaint ourselves with the exciting research that is happening within eSSENCE.

Attendance is free of cost and includes meals during the programme and one hotel night (15/10) for those travelling to Umeå. Travel expenses should be covered by your home institute.

We expect all the eSSENCE projects to be represented in person and also by a poster. Poster presenters will receive further instructions in October.

Go here for more information and to register

Updated: 2025-02-12, 11:21