Course: Introduction to Kebnekaise, 2024-01-18

  • Posted on: 27 November 2023
  • By: bbrydsoe

Course: Introduction to Kebnekaise, 2024-01-18

In this course we will cover the following topics:

  • Short introduction to the Linux operating system (OS) that is used on HPC2N's compute cluster, and is the most common OS in HPC clusters. (OPTIONAL)
  • Introduction to HPC and HPC2N
  • Walk-through of the Kebnekaise system, including the different kinds of GPUs
  • The module system, the file system and how to submit jobs.
  • Simple examples
  • Application examples
  • Hands-ons: Try finding and loading modules (compilers, applications), compiling a program, and submitting jobs to the Kebnekaise cluster

Eligibility: since Kebnekaise is no longer a NAISS cluster, this course in only available to local users. This is defined as users who are current or future members of projects with a PI affiliated with HPC2N's partner sites (UmU, SLU, LTU, MIUN, IRF). Participation is free.

Prerequisites: nothing particular
Time and date: 18 January 2024, 9:00 - 17:00
Location: ONLINE. Zoom link will be sent to participants a few days before the course.
Deadline for registration: 08 January 2024. (23:59)

More information and registration here:

Updated: 2025-01-10, 16:23