Course: Python for Scientific Computing, 2019-04-08

  • Posted on: 15 February 2019
  • By: bbrydsoe

Python for Scientific Computing

This one-day course will give a brief, but comprehensive introduction to Python for Scientific Computing. It will have lectures interspersed with hands-on sessions where you get to try out what you have just learned.

The focus will lie on using Python to work with data. We will cover using NumPy and Scipy for data manipulation and Matplotlib for visualisation. The intention is that after the course you will have the skills needed to use Python to analyse your data. As well, the course is meant as a precursor to the Deep Learning course that will be given later in the Spring.

Participation is free. Lunch and coffee/tea will be provided.

Prerequisites: Previous experience with a scripting language or simple programming in any language.

Instructors: Pedher Johansson, (Jerry Eriksson, Birgitte Brydsö, Pedro Ojeda May)

Time and date: 8 April 2019, 09:00-16:30.

Location: N260, Naturvetarhuset, Umeå University. Getting to Umeå University/HPC2N: info here.

Deadline for registration: 1 April 2019.

Registration and more information about the course can be found here:

Updated: 2025-01-10, 16:23