The HPC2N Workshop on Computing in Science and Engineering 2000

The HPC2N Workshop on Computing in
Science and Engineering


High Performance Computing Center North (HPC2N) cordially invites you to participate in a two-day workshop on computing in science and engineering.


The aim of the workshop is to bring users and potential users of high-performance computing resources together in an environment that stimulates discussions around challenges and possibilities within computational science and engineering. We also anticipate participation from PhD-students active in all areas of science and engineering.

The workshop will also form the kick-off for the HPC2N Colloquium on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) - a seminar series on different CSE topics, organized jointly with the HPC2N partners. (The seminars will be announced electronically and on our web-site).

The programme consists mainly of talks given by speakers from various areas of science and engineering, including several current users of HPC2N's computing resources. The speakers cover a wide range of fields where computational methods are of great importance.

Additionally, the program will include discussions about the future direction of High Performance Computing hardware, with a special focus on Linux-clusters.

Invited speakers

  • Prof. Mårten Gulliksson, Department of Physics and Mathematics, Mid-Sweden University.
  • Dr. Mats Holmström, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna.
  • Prof. Roland Häggkvist, Department of Mathematics, Umeå University.
  • Prof. Aatto Laaksonen, Division of Physical Chemistry, Stockholm University.
  • Dr. Karin Larsson, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Uppsala University.
  • Prof. Lars-Erik Lindgren, Division of Computer Aided Design, Luleå University of Technology.
  • Dr. Hans-Erik Nilsson, Department of Information Technology, Mid-Sweden University.
  • Prof. Mikael Oliveberg, Department of Biochemistry, Umeå University
  • Dr. Peter Olsson, Department of Theoretical Physics, Umeå University.
  • Prof. Bo Ranneby, Department of Forest Management and Geomatics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
  • Emma Sigfridsson, Department of Theoretical Chemistry, Lund University.
Dates and Location

The workshop will be held in the MIT-building at the Umeå University Campus November 7-8, 2000. The workshop starts after lunch on the 7 November and ends in the early afternoon on the 8 November (14.30).

Detailed Program
Tuesday November 7 - Room MC413
13.00-13.05 Bo Kågström, director of HPC2N. Opening
13.05-13.45 Mikael Oliveberg. Protein Folding
13.45-14.25 Roland Häggkvist. The Ising Project
14.25-15.05 Emma Sigfridsson. Myoglobin - How it can Discriminate Between Oxygen and Carbon Monoxide
15.05-15.30 Coffee
15.30-16.10 Bo Ranneby. Image Classification and Error Estimation in Forestry
16.10-16.50 Mårten Gulliksson. Some Mathematical Models in Wood, Pulp, and Paper Industry
16.50-17.30 Hans-Erik Nilsson. Computer Models for High Field Carrier Transport in Advanced Semiconductor Materials and Superlattices
17.45-18.15 Visualisation and VR at HPC2N. Demonstrations in Wonderland
Anders Backman and Kenneth Holmlund, HPC2N
19.15-          Workshop Dinner at Restaurang Skytten

Wednesday November 8 - Room MC413

8.40-9.20 Peter Olsson. Superconductors in an Applied Magnetic Field
  9.20-10.00 Lars-Erik Lindgren. Challenges in Simulation of Manufacturing Processes
10.00-10.30 Coffee
10.30-11.10 Karin Larsson. Relative Stabilities of Gas Phase Nuclei During CVD of Boron Nitride Films
11.10-12.00 Future Directions of HPC Hardware:
The HPC2N Linux Cluster
Mats Nylén, HPC2N
12.00-13.10 Lunch at Restaurang Universum
13.10-13.50 Mats Holmström. Simulations of Charge-Exchange Processes near Mars
13.50-14.30 Aatto Laaksonen. Chemistry with e-Molecules: Simulating Molecular Processes Inside a Computer
Participation and Registration
There is a nominal fee of SEK 400 for this workshop for covering costs for coffee, one lunch, and the workshop dinner. We have a possibility to offer particiapation at no cost for a limited number of PhD-students. If you are a PhD-student and wish to make use of this possibility, please indicate this on the registration form.

Participation in the workshop without attending the workshop dinner and/or lunch is also possible, for a reduced fee. For details see the registration form.

For registration, please fill in the registration form (closed). Alternatively, you can e-mail your registration to: Lena Hellman, make sure you include the following information: Name, address, department, phone-number and e-mail. We need your registration no later than November 1.

Accomodation information
See our page about accommodation in Umeå.


Updated: 2025-01-10, 16:23