Accomodation in Umeå

Accomodation in Umeå

Accomodation information

There are several alternatives for accommodation at Umeå university, but due to the closeness to the University we here only include information for Hotel Björken alternative. For other alternatives, see Umeå Tourist information Office.

Notice, you must make the room reservations yourself, the organizers do not reserve any rooms.

Hotell Björken

Hotel Björken is located nearby the MIT-building where the workshop is held (300m).

Price per night (sun, mon, tue, wed, thu) 
                Single room 710
                Double room 965
Address:        Lasarettsbacken 10 
                S-907 19 Umeå, Sweden
Phone number:   +46(0)90-108700
Updated: 2024-10-10, 12:39