
Course: Introduction to Kebnekaise, 2021-09-08

  • Posted on: 14 June 2021
  • By: bbrydsoe

Course: Introduction to Kebnekaise, 2021-09-08

NOTE: The course will be online! We will use Zoom.

We begin with a short introduction to Linux, which is what is used on HPC2N's compute clusters, and the vast majority of HPC clusters on the planet. This part is only meant for complete beginners to the Linux operating system, and can be omitted if you are proficient already. See the schedule.

Course: Running MD applications efficiently in HPC, 26-27 April 2021

  • Posted on: 23 February 2021
  • By: bbrydsoe

Running MD applications efficiently in HPC, 26-27 April 2021

The aim of the course is to provide MD users with a set of best practices to improve the performance of their simulations. This will be accomplished by tuning the appropriate SLURM switches and flags proper to the MD packages.

This course will be two half-days. It will have lectures interspersed with some hands-on sessions where you get to try out what you have just learned.

NOTE: The course will be online!

Course: An introduction to shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP, 9 - 12 March 2021

  • Posted on: 13 January 2021
  • By: bbrydsoe

An introduction to shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP, 9 - 12 March 2021

This online course is given in cooperation between HPC2N and LUNARC.

OpenMP provides an efficient method to write parallel programs in C, C++ and Fortran.  OpenMP programs are suitable for execution on shared memory architectures such as modern multi core systems or a single compute node of the HPC clusters deployed by Lunarc and within SNIC.

Course: An introduction to shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP, 9 - 12 March 2021

An introduction to shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP

This online course is given in cooperation between HPC2N and LUNARC.

OpenMP provides an efficient method to write parallel programs in C, C++ and Fortran.  OpenMP programs are suitable for execution on shared memory architectures such as modern multi core systems or a single compute node of the HPC clusters deployed by Lunarc and within SNIC.

Course: Introduction to Git, 2020-09-30

  • Posted on: 18 June 2020
  • By: bbrydsoe

Course: Introduction to Git

Remote/online participation: The course will be given on-site, but also streamed, using Zoom. Depending on the developing situation with COVID-19, the course may become completely online. If that happens, participants will be given information about any changes to the course as well as how to connect, using Zoom.

The course will be an introduction to version control, with a focus on Git.


Updated: 2025-01-10, 16:23