




The Annual Conference on Computer Graphics
This Year’s Topic: Real-Time Simulations

SIGRAD2003, November 20-21, 2003

Umeå university, Umeå, Sweden
Humanisthuset, Hörsal G



For over 20 years, the SIGRAD conference has been a meeting point for academia and industry in computer graphics. Following the success from last year conference in Norrköping, this year conference will also be a two-day event. The program commite would like to welcome you SIGRAD2003.


The proceedings from SIGRAD20003 are published on-line. Printed copies can be ordered.


Key note speaker:

Dr. Jos Stam, Alias, Real-time simulations for animation and control of physical

Invited speaker:

Johan Persson, DICE, The making of Battlefield 1942.

Conference program - english version (pdf)

Abstracts (see also proceedings)

Thursday November 20

  11.30 Registration
12.30 Conference opening
12.50 Invited speaker: Real-time simulations for animation and control of physical phenomena, Jos Stam, Alias.
13.30 A pressure model for soft body simulation, Maciej Matyka.
14.00 Synthetic skies using high dynamic range images and eigenskies, Björn Olsson.
14.30 Coffee
15.00 Deformable objects with haptic feedback in real-time, Ola Nilsson.
15.20 Perceptual features for computer graphics and visualization, Lars Kjelldahl.
15.50 Interactive simulation of granular matter, Kenneth Holmlund.
16.10 Break
16.20 Examination of the possibility to use OpenSceneGraph for real-time graphics in a CAVE-environment,Odd Tullberg.
16.40 3D visualization and 3D and voice interaction in air traffic management, Matthew Cooper.
17.10 CGEMs server for educational material, Lars Kjelldahl.
17.30 Closing of day 1
19.00 Conference dinner at Gretas


Friday November 21

  9.00 Testing and benchmarking a 6th order parallel CFD code based on an ENO PADE scheme, Håkan Kihlström and Kristofer Lindberg
9.20 Frictional contact problems for multibody systems: A review of models and methods, Claude Lacoursière
9.50 Coffee
10.20 Invited speaker: The making of Battlefield 1942, Johan Persson, DICE.
11.00 A framework for interactive simulation, Dennis Gustafsson.
11.20 Intersection of iso-surfaces on co-located 3D grids, Patrik Ljung.
11.50 Concluding remarks. Discussion.
12.20 Announcement of SIGRAD 2004
12.30 Conference closing



There will be demonstrations outside the lecture hall from various companies.


Registration is open until 7:th of november.

Practical information

  • Time: Nov 20:th 12.30 - 17.30 + dinner at 19.00, Nov 21th 09.00-12.30
  • Location: Hörsal G, Humanisthuset, Umeå university, Campus, Umeå
  • Registration: Obligatory, no later than Nov. 7.
  • Conference fee : See registration
  • Travelling and accomodation: Handled individually by the participants. Some hotels will give a discount if you inform that you will participate a conference at Umeå university.
  • More information in swedish (pdf)
  • Conference dinner is at:
    Gretas, Restaurant & Bar (Map)
    Skolg. 62, Vasaplan
    Tel. 090-10 07 35

  • Map over umeå University (Look for MIT-huset marked with a V)

Program and review committee

Mark Ollila, Linköping University, ITN, program chair

Tomas Akenine Möller, Chalmers
Niclas Börlin, Umeå University
Mike Connell, Chalmers
Matthew Cooper, NVIS/Linköping University
Mark Dieckman, Linköping University, ITN
Mikael Jern, Linköping University, ITN
Lars Kjelldahl, KTH
Claude Lacoursiérè, Umeå University and CMLabs
Haibo Li, Umeå University
Stefan Seipel, Uppsala University
Odd Tullberg, Chalmers
Anders Ynnerman, Linköping University, ITN

Organizing committee

Kenneth Holmlund, Umeå University, co-chair
Anders Backman, Umeå University, co-chair
Lena Hellman, Umeå university, coordinator
Odd Tullberg, Chalmers
Charlotte Åkerlund, Linköping university


Local Contacts

For further information please contact:

Kenneth Holmlund, Director VRlab/HPC2N
Umeå University.
Phone: 090-786 9655, Cell: 070-631 5520

Anders Backman, VRlab/HPC2N
Umeå University.
Phone: 090-786 9936, Cell: 070-392 64 67

Umeå University
The information on this page was checked 2003-12-10
Responsible for this page: Kenneth Holmlund
VRlab, Umeå university
SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0)90-786 96 55
Fax: +46 (0)90-786 61 26
E-mail: vrlab@umu.se
Updated: 2025-01-10, 16:23