Prace Spring School 2013

PRACE Spring School 2013, on New and Emerging Technologies - Programming for Accelerators

PRACE Spring School on New and Emerging Technologies - Programming for Accelerators, Umeå, Sweden, from Tuesday, April 23, at 09.00 to Friday Aril 26 at 16.00 (CET), 2013.

The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) is pleased to announce the Spring School on New and Emerging Technologies - Programming for Accelerators. The Spring School is organized by SNIC and hosted by High Performance Computing Center North (HPC2N) in Umeå, Sweden. Expert presenters from PRACE Advanced Training Centers (PATCs) and vendors will combine lectures and hands-on sessions to provide an introduction to accelerator programming. The official language will be English.

It is a four day intensive event, where the first two days, presented by the IT Center for Science (CSC) and Intel, will focus on the Intel(R) Many Integrated Core (MIC) architecture looking at basic usage, programming models, performance analysis and optimization strategies. We also hope to be able to provide access to a real system for hands-on.

spring24.jpgThe third day, presented by the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC), is dedicated to learning how and when to off-load computations to accelerators using OpenACC. The day mixes lectures and practical sessions using GPUs as the target accelerator.

On the final day, the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) will present a comprehensive view of the architecture of their ARM-based prototypes (ARM multicore cluster and ARM+CUDA GPU cluster) and how to program these machines efficiently. The day will include hands-on exercises.

The school is aimed at PRACE users, final year master students, PhD students, and young researchers in computational sciences and engineering, with different backgrounds, interested in applying the emerging technologies on high performance computing to their research.

The participants should have programming experience and it is an advantage to be familiar with parallel programming and have experience using for example MPI, OpenMP, or multi-core programming.

The school is offered free of charge to students and academics residing in PRACE member states. Lunches, coffee breaks and an evening dinner event is included.

Note that the number of full participants is limited to around 30 seats.
Please register as soon as possible, but no later than March 31.


Dates and Venue

Tuesday, April 23, at 09.00 to Friday Aril 26 at 16.00 (CET) 2013, Umeå, Sweden

MIT-building, MA 121
Umeå University
SE-901 87, Umeå




Full programme [ HTML | PDF ]

Tuesday, April 23

- Welcome and presentation of HPC2N
- Introduction to Xeon Phi Coprocessors
- Basic usage
- CSC Cluster Introduction
- Debugging
- Hands-on
Wednesday, April 24

- Performance analysis
- Hands-on
- Optimization
- Debugging
- Evening Dinner (Important information here)

Thursday, April 25

- GPU programming using OpenACC
- Hands-on

Friday, April 26

- ARM-based systems at BSC
- Tutorial
- Hands-on




In order to participate in this Spring School, you need to fill in the registration form.

Note that the number of full participants is limited to around 30 seats. In case there are more registrations than the maximum number, participants will be chosen in the order the registrations have been received.

Please register as soon as possible.

Deadline for registering is 31st March 2013.




Practical Information


A limited number of hotel rooms have been booked. Contact us through email if you are interested in one of them.


You can arrive in Umeå by air (Umeå Airport), train (SJ/Norrtåg), bus (Ybuss), or car.

Local transportation in Umeå is easy with the local busses (Ultra).

Flygbussen takes you between Umeå Airport and the central city, and also to Umeå University.

How to get from Umeå Center to Umeå University Campus

Information on this page.

Umeå University information


Umeå information



Additional information

Lunch will be served every day as part of the Spring School. Wednesday, an evening dinner will be arranged for the particpants. You can sign up for this as well during registration.

Updated: 2024-06-25, 16:43