2019-03-13 - Power outage at HPC2N. *Clusters back up*

  • Posted on: 13 March 2019
  • By: roger

There was a (25-minute) power outage at Umeå University campus just before 09:30. This brought down our clusters (Kebnekaise and Abisko and killed all running jobs. It also has affected the Kebnekaise login nodes.

Power is back now, and we are in the process of taking up the clusters. We will add more information when we know what happened and/or when the clusters are back up.

*Update* The reason for the power outage was a severed cable that triggered a circuit breaker in one of the universities internal power stations.

10:57 - Abisko is back up and jobs are running again.

11:00 - Kebnekaise login nodes should work again. We are still working on the Kebnekaise nodes.

11:40 - Kebnekaise is up now and jobs are running again.

Updated: 2024-06-25, 16:43