Lost power to the clusters. *Power and clusters back*

  • Posted on: 30 January 2019
  • By: roger

At around 19:20 today (30/1), the power to the clusters was lost. That means both kebnekaise and abisko is not running any jobs. All running jobs has has stopped. We are working on getting back the power and the cluster up. This message will be updates has we know more.

Login to the kebnekaise access nodes will stall until the kebnekaise cluster is back up. Abisko login node should work.

*Update* 2019-01-30 22:40: Abisko should be up and running again. Kebnekaise has some problems with /pfs and is still down. Probably will not be fixed until tomorrow.

*Update* 2019-01-31 17:40: Kebnekaise is also up and running (has been since early morning). But unfortunately all jobs (even queued) got lost.

Updated: 2025-01-10, 16:23