SNIC: Call for Large allocations open. Deadline 12 April 2017.

  • Posted on: 13 March 2017
  • By: bbrydsoe

The Spring 2017 call for proposals for LARGE allocations of computing time on the High Performance Computing  resources of the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) is open until 12 April 2017.

The allocations are for the period 1 July 2017 - 30 June 2018.

The Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) is a research infrastructure that provides resources for large scale computation to meet the needs of researchers from all scientific disciplines and from all Swedish universities, research institutes, etc. The computing resources are made available through open application procedures such that the best Swedish research is supported. The resources are hosted by data centers at Chalmers, KTH, LiU, LU, UmU and UU.

Every six months SNIC issues a call for proposals for large allocations of computing time.

The deadline for submission to this call is *12 April 2017 at 3 PM*. At that time, access to the online application system for this call will be closed.

How to apply:

SNIC uses an on-line proposal system for all allocations on its HPC resources that is located at

We encourage you to start working on your proposal well before the deadline. We also encourage you to carefully read the instructions that are available at before submitting your proposal.

Note that allocations can be requested on one or more resources in a single application.

Please also note:

Please note that allocations on Triolith will be scaled and transferred to a new resources as soon as such a resource is in place. We currently estimate that this can take place at the earliest Q2, 2018.

Please note that “Kebnekaise Large Memory” is a part of the resource Kebnekaise. Read more about the resource at the HPC2N website:

Please note that the requirements for the activity report were updated during 2016. Please see the SNIC website for more information:

Please note that the publications list is requested as a separate file, not as a part of the PI´s CV.

Please note that SNIC explicitly requests the acknowledgement of SNIC in scientific publications that required the use of SNIC resources, services or expertise. Papers, presentations and other publications that feature work that relied on SNIC should include an acknowledgement. For more information:

Updated: 2024-06-25, 16:43