Possible network interruptions in the Umeå University network, 2016-10-27

  • Posted on: 21 October 2016
  • By: bbrydsoe

ITS will be running stress tests on the redundancy mechanisms in the Umeå University network between 20:00 and 22:00 on Thursday, 2016-10-27. This is done in preparation for connecting Umeå University to SunetC. (Information from ITS here, in Swedish.)

This will likely cause short network interruptions, which will also affect connections to HPC2N's systems from the outside world (i.e. if you are sitting outside the local network you may not be able to connect to HPC2N's systems during parts of this time).

Running jobs should not be affected.

In addition, access to our website may be affected during this period.

Updated: 2025-01-10, 16:23