Legal information

Legal information

Information about the use of cookies, personal data, Google Analytics, and other legalities about

Use of cookies

Currently, the HPC2N webpages only use cookies to determine if someone has already submitted a webform (i.e. usually signed up for a course, event, or similar), and for google analytics.

According to the law on electronic communication (Lagen om elektronisk kommunikation - in Swedish), which became effective on the 25th of July 2003, a visitor to a website where cookies are used must be informed of the following:

  • that the website uses cookies, and the purpose of these cookies
  • how cookies can be avoided.

A cookie is a small text file, which is stored by the website on the visitor's computer. Cookies are used by many websites, to give the visitor access to various functions. The information contained in the cookie makes it possible to monitor a user's surfing.

To avoid cookies, you must modify the settings of your browser. Cookie acceptance or non-acceptance is set in different ways in different browsers.

Source: University of Gothenburg

Personal Data

Below, you will find information about how HPC2N, Umeå University handles personal data collected through our website,

Responsibilty for personal data handling

Umeå University is responsible for the handling of personal data collected through the website
Our personal data officer (PULO) can be reached through the email

Reasons for handling personal data

Umeå University registers personal data when you apply for participation in a course, a conference or some other event arranged by the University. Umeå University stores this information to be able to administer and follow up courses and events.

Personal data transfer

Your personal data may also be transferred to those who need access to these data in connection with electronic document processing, intended to honour an agreement with you, a legal obligation to you, a task of public interest or during exercise of public authority, where these data need to be processed.

The right of information

According to Section 26 of the law of personal data (Personuppgiftslagen, 1998:204), you have the right to request information once a year about those personal data concerning you that are being handled by Umeå University, irrespective of whether those data have been collected through this website or in some other way. If you want to receive this information, you must submit a written and signed request to us. According to the law of personal data, such a request must be made on paper, and cannot be sent by email.

Source: Personal Data Handling - Umeå University, Sweden

Statistics and Analytics

Visits to HPC2N:s website will be counted, analyzed and/or transferred through third-party services, which may generate cookies and/or statistics about visits. No information about IP Numbers or other data that may identify individuals will be stored by HPC2N or Umeå University.

Google Analytics

HPC2N websites are using Google Analytics, a web analyst service supplied by Google. Google Analytics utilizes cookies, and the information generated by these from your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transferred to and stored by Google on servers based in the USA. This information will be used to evaluate user statistics – as an example, HPC2N uses statistic reports to improve content, navigation and structure.

Google can also transfer this information to third paries if required by law, or when information is handled by third parties on Google's account. Google will not link IP addresses with other data possessed by Google.

You can deny the use of cookies by chosing certain preferences in your web browser (read more about cookies as related information).

By visiting HPC2N:s websites you consent to Google's processing of personal data in the way and for those purposes described above.

Updated: 2024-06-25, 16:43