BIT Circus 2015 - Local Directions, Accommodation, etc.

Circus 2015
Numerical Mathematics and Computational Science
Umeå University, August 26-27, 2015

The meeting is organized and sponsored by BIT, Umeå University (Computing Science, HPC2N - High Performance Computing Center North, and UMIT Reseach Lab), and eSSENCE - the e-Science Collaboration.




Main page Conference Program [PDF] Abstracts [PDF] List of Registered Participants Local Directions, etc.

Local Directions, etc.


Computing Science, HPC2N - High Performance Computing Center North, UMIT Reseach Lab, and Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics are all located in the MIT building at Umeå University.

The venue for BIT Circus 2015 will mainly be the MIT building, in room MA121.

Maps of the campus can be found below (click the maps to enlarge them).


A = The Humanities Building
AA = The Psychotherapy Training Clinic
B = The Social Sciences Building and the Student's Union
C = The University Library
D = The University Administration
DB = The University Liaison Building
E = Universum (Restaurant, Shops etc) and Aula Nordica
G = The Natural Sciences Building
H = The Biology Building
J = The Physics Building
K = The Chemistry Building
KB = The KBC Building (Chemical Biological Centre)
L = The Physiology Building and Gardens (UPSC)
NB = The Eastern Pavilions (examination rooms), Ålidbacken 23
NT = The NTK's Student Union Building
O = SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Forestry)
R = SLU's Student Union
S = Iksu University Sports Centre
T = Akademiska hus (Building Administrators) and Unions
V = The MIT Building (Mathematics and Information Technloogy)
VV = The Caring Sciences Building (see University Hospital Map)
X = The Technology Building
Y = The Behavioural Sciences Building
YA = The Northern Behavioural Sciences Building
Z = The Teacher Education Building



Lunch, Campus

Wednesday, lunch will be in "Hjortron". From MA121, go up two floors (elevator exists). Then follow the path marked in red on the below map (click to enlarge) to get to the building "Universum", where the restaurant "Hjortron" is located. There will be signs marking the direction as well.

Thursday, lunch will be at restaurant "Björken". Go up one floor, then out the main entrance. Follow the path marked in green on the below map (click to enlarge) to go to the restaurant.








About Umeå


Umeå is, with approximately 120 000 inhabitants, the largest city in northern Sweden. It is situated ca. 600 km north of Stockholm.
The tourist office in Umeå offers information about the Umeå region (Renmarkstorget 15,, Tel. 46 (0) 90 16 16 16, Fax 46 (0) 90 12 82 70).

Arrival and departure

Making your travel arrangements to Umeå should not cause too many difficulties, but it is wise to book flight and local accommodation early on.

Flying to Umeå

The following companies all operate daily flights from Stockholm Arlanda airport or (for Malmö Aviation) from Bromma Airport, also in Stockholm. The flight time is about 1 hour in either case.

Please keep in mind that you are usually required to take your luggage through customs yourself when transiting at Arlanda Airport, Stockholm.

When you arrive at Umeå airport you can either take a taxi (about 200 SEK) to your hotel, or use the airport shuttle. You should buy the ticket in the vending machine before boarding, as it is cheaper (45 SEK). It costs 65 SEK onboard. Cash is not accepted, but all/most credit cards with chip will work. The shuttle goes downtown (Stop: Vasaplan), which will put you fairly close to most of the hotels. The airport shuttle also goes to the University (Stop: Universum).

Train to Umeå

Alternatively, an overnight train from Stockholm, Nattåget operated by SJ (English information) gives an opportunity to see a bit more of the Swedish landscape. The travel time is about 8 hours.

Local transportation

Umeå University is situated approximately 2 kilometers outside the city centre (30-40 minutes walking) and is easily reached by bus. Busses depart roughly every 10 minutes from Vasaplan, which is located about 10 minutes walk (700 meters) away from Scandic Hotel Plaza Umeå.


A single trip with the bus costs 26-32 SEK (dependent on the age of the rider - there are youth tickets for anyone below 26) if you purchase the ticket onboard the bus. There are discounted prices if you purchase 6 trips or more, which can be done at the Bus Information Office on Vasaplan, as well as in many kiosks and supermarkets.

Note that the busses do NOT accept cash, only credit cards (with chip) and SMS-tickets (a Swedish registered cell phone is required).

More information can be found at the bus companies homepage.

Bus lines 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, and 9 all go between the city center (Vasaplan) and the University (Universum) or the nearby University Hospital. Check with the driver to make sure the bus goes in the right direction!

Taxis cost about 150 SEK one way University/downtown. The price is higher outside the times 09:00-15:00.


There are many restaurants in downtown Umeå, and the prices range from a budget meal for 75-95 SEK to 400-500 SEK at the most expensive restaurants. You should expect to pay around 150 SEK or a little more for a dinner meal at most restaurants.

Vegetarian meals are usually offered at most restaurants, and they can also generally accommodate food allergies if you ask them.

A good list of restaurants can be found at the website of Visit Umeå (the tourist guide for Umeå).

Various useful facts about Sweden

Tipping in restaurants is welcome but not expected. Electricity is 220V with a type F Schuko socket. The sockets will also accept the flat Europlugs. The tap water is good, safe to drink, and not chlorinated. The currency is Swedish crowns (SEK). 100 SEK is approximately 11 EUR, 12 USD, or 8 GBP. International country dialing code is 46; outgoing international calls should be prefixed by 00. The emergency number for ambulance, fire department, and police is 112.

Updated: 2024-06-25, 16:43