
Forgotten password

Forgotten password

If you forget your password it can be reset using the Password reset service. It requires that you have a SUPR id and that your account at HPC2N is connected to your SUPR id.


Common errors when resetting password through SUPR


  • When i am trying to reset my password I am getting this error message.

SSH X11 Forwarding

SSH X11 Forwarding

In order to enable this, you must login with

ssh -X <username>@<host>

SSH supports tunneling of X11 (X-Windows). This is also very useful if you want to open graphical displays from the remote machine on your local computer. To achieve this, an X11 server must be running on your local machine. The X11 connections are then tunneled and automatically encrypted by your SSH client.

For some types of graphical software this does not work correctly (if they need input from keystrokes). In those cases you must use

Updated: 2024-05-14, 14:17