batch system


Batch system examples

We have made a few examples of how to use the batch system, both from the command line and through a batch submit file.

Overview of the Batch system examples subpages:

Slurm GPU Resources (Kebnekaise)

Slurm GPU Resources (Kebnekaise)

NOTE: your project need to have time on the GPU nodes to use them, as they are considered a separate resource now. To use them you use the SLURM command mentioned below. For V100s there is no specific partition you need to give, but there is for the A100s - see below.

We have two types of GPU cards available on Kebnekaise, NVIDIA Tesla V100 (Volta) and NVIDIA A100 (Ampere).

To request GPU resources one has to include a GRES in the submit file. The general format is:

Job Dependencies

Job dependencies - SLURM

A job can be given the constraint that it only starts after another job has finished.

In the following example, we have two Jobs, A and B. We want Job B to start after Job A has successfully completed.

First we start Job A by submitting it via sbatch:

$ sbatch <>

Making note of the assigned job ID for Job A, we then submit Job B with the added condition that it only starts after Job A has successfully completed:

Job Cancellation

Deleting a job

To cancel a job, use scancel. You need the running or pending jobid. It is only the job's owner and SLURM administrators that can cancel jobs.
$ scancel <jobid>

To cancel all your jobs (running and pending) you can run

$ scancel -u <username>

You get the job id when you submit the job.

Job Status

Job status

To see status of partitions and nodes, use

$ sinfo

To get the status of all SLURM jobs

$ squeue

To only view the jobs in the largemem partition on Kebnekaise

$ queue -p largemem

Get the status of an individual job

$ scontrol show job <jobid>

Slurm MPI + OpenMP examples

Slurm MPI + OpenMP examples

This example shows a hybrid MPI/OpenMP job with 4 tasks and 28 cores per task.

# Example with 4 tasks and 28 cores per task for MPI+OpenMP
# Project/Account
#SBATCH -A hpc2n-1234-56
# Number of MPI tasks
#SBATCH -n 4
# Number of cores per task
#SBATCH -c 28
# Runtime of this jobs is less then 12 hours.
#SBATCH --time=12:00:00

# Clear the environment from any previously loaded modules
module purge > /dev/null 2>&1

# Load the module environment suitable for the job
module load foss/2019a

Slurm OpenMP Examples

Slurm OpenMP Examples

This example shows a 28 core OpenMP Job (maximum size for one normal node on Kebnekaise).

# Example with 28 cores for OpenMP
# Project/Account
#SBATCH -A hpc2n-1234-56
# Number of cores
#SBATCH -c 28
# Runtime of this jobs is less then 12 hours.
#SBATCH --time=12:00:00

# Clear the environment from any previously loaded modules
module purge > /dev/null 2>&1

# Load the module environment suitable for the job
module load foss/2019a
# Set OMP_NUM_THREADS to the same value as -c
# with a fallback in case it isn't set.


Updated: 2024-05-14, 14:17