The Environment

The Environment

The systems at HPC2N predominantly run various versions of Linux. If you have no experience with that, there are several good online sources that can be used to familiarize yourself with the basic commands. 

The default shell at HPC2N is bash (Bourne Again SHell), and it is recommended to use that, since it is the only one that is fully supported by the batch system. You can find some information about bash here:

Your home directory at HPC2N is backed up regularly.

You can read more about the files system at HPC2N in general.

The majority of software on HPC2N are loaded with modules. You can read more about modules on our Using modules (Lmod) page.

Running the command 'env' give you a list of the paths and environment variables that are currently set in your shell. We have a page about the environment variables prefaced with "SNIC_". These are variables that are named and used the same way across most of Sweden's HPC centres.

Updated: 2024-05-14, 14:17